Note Buying

We pay top dollar $$$$$$ for owner financed notes, fast!!!!!

If you or someone you know has sold property and owner financed the sale, with a promissory note, mortgage, or deed of trust, and are collecting payments from a buyer, Villa Land Company, LLC, is your source for cash. We have been actively buying owner financed notes since 1996. We are located in Lewisburg, WV, on the Virginia, West Virginia line, and respond quickly to your needs. We have local lawyers ready to respond with documents for a quick close.

When you sold your note, owner financing may have been the best structure for you and the buyer at the time, but things change. You may need cash for several reasons.

  • College funding
  • Taxes that are due
  • Other investment opportunities
  • Retirement
  • Medical issues
  • To close an estate
  • To buy out other owners/multi-owners
Or you just don't want the frustration of dealing with the collection and tracking of payments now at this time in your life.

Villa Land Company, LLC buys:
  • Mortgage notes
  • Deeds of Trust
  • Land contracts
On the following types of properties:
  • Single family residences
  • Multi-family units, rental property
  • Mobile homes
  • Condominiums and townhouses
  • Land
  • Commercial properties

Please contact us if you are interested in our services.

Some common questions and thoughts:

  1. Why should I sell? 
    Well, you may want the cash now, and you don't want to wait for the length of the original term. You also may not want to worry about the payments, payment history, taxes, and whether insurance is in place to cover your collateral.

  2. How much will I get for my note?
    That depends on a lot of factors, including the value of the property sold, the history of the payments, the interest rate of the note, the quality of the buyer's credit, and many others. Generally the value of money decreases over time, and you may be willing to take less now, then waiting until the future for your money.

  3. How much will this cost me?
    Generally not anything at all, the cost is generally paid for by us.

  4. How fast can you close?
    If we are interested, we can close as fast as two weeks.

  5. How does this process work?
    Generally, we take your information that you provide on the note (sales price, note amount, down payment, interest rate, payment, term, payment history), and then we have to see the property before we act. Then we will price the note, if you agree, we start the legal work, and if you want to attend the closing you can, or you can provide the lawyer a power of attorney, and he can handle it all. We then will either wire you the funds, or issue you a cashier's check.

  6. What else will you buy?
    Second mortgages, balloon mortgages, interest only mortgages, new mortgages (meaning no payments made yet), partial payments (meaning we just buy 40 payments of a 200 month payment stream.